
You all know my endless love for mangoes and yesterday I had the opportunity  of visiting Expo Mango 2011 in Bani, a province located about an hour from Santo Domingo! With a few friends of mine, including one of my oldest friends, Ricky Leger, whose father is literally IN the mango business, being one of the company principals for “Mangos de Mantanza”, we braved the Caribbean sun and toured the Mangos de Matanza farm. 

“Mangos de Matanzas began operations in 1999 with the purchase of 180 hectares of fallow land in Bani, 50 miles southwest of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The Peravia Province is famous for the quality of its mangoes, introduced to the country in the late nineteenth century. ” –Mangos de Matanza history

The best thing about this farm is that the entire farm has been certified as organic by ECOCERT International, so no chemical pesticides anywhere! Their newest product is Dried Mango Slices, dehydrated naturally by the Caribbean sun! These slices were delicious and between the 4 of us, we ate about 5 packets. I specially loved the ones that were tart, with a little sweetness! When we visited the farm, Ricky told us a bit of how the process goes, as well as the fact that they mostly export to European countries! The varieties of mangoes processed there include: Kent, Keitt, Haden, Tommy Atkins, Madame Francine and Parvin.

Afterwards, we visited the festival, where mango varieties from around the province were displayed as well as sold. Can you believe I bought ten (10) mangoes for $35 Dominican pesos?! That is only $0.94 US!!! Stands were selling mango books, juices, fresh smoothies as well as the fruit. It was very well organized, with every mango displayed named and categorized. There would be tastings, as well as tours of other mango related places and musical events as well.




Expo Mango 2011 is still going on today (Sunday June 19th), so if you are by chance in the country, go visit and get some fresh mangoes! Check out the entire album of photos, including mango varieties and stands, on the Cooking with Books Facebook page. And if you like the pictures, go ahead and “like” the page!

One more thing…if you’d like to officially be a Mango Lover, I’ve added the Google Fried Connect button on the top of the side bar! You know what to do! Hope you’ve all had a great weekend! Happy Sunday!

For more information on Mangoes de Matanza: http://www.mangosdematanzas.com/
Direct Contact with Mr. Rafael Leger: r.leger@mangosdematanzas.com
General inquires at: info@mangosdematanzas.com
Cluster del Mango Dominicano: http://www.promangord.org/

Need some mango inspiration? Check out these fabulous mango recipes from talented foodies!

(how many times did I say the word mango in this post?)

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  1. Talk about heaven in a post. There is nothing I like better than a ripe mango unless it’s two ripe mangos.

    I think I could eat every mango in the photos in your post.. in one sitting, as long as I was sitting in the bathtub.

    you are so lucky !!!

  2. This is so cool! I am so jealous. I would love to go to any fruit expo! And now I am curious about mango books 🙂

  3. Mangoes are so insanely gooooooood~~btw! I think it’s so cool that you live in the Dominican Republic! I used to sponsor a little boy from there 🙂

  4. LOVE! although I’d rather just get them for free 🙂 my FIL has a tree in his backyard. So delicious!

  5. I want all the yellow ones! They are the best! I don’t want to be jealous, as I am planning on coming over and getting those mangoes off your hands:)
    BTW, thanks for the card – it made my day! Brought me to (happy) tears:)

  6. 10 mangoes for less than $1! OK, that’s more than a steal of a deal. The mangoes are so colorful and pretty to look at. You’re going to have a blast eating those up.

  7. Marnely, this would be heaven for my hubby! The mangos are delicious I have taste them, and to me they are the best mangos in the world. Marnely I have shared my last post with you and other Dominican bloggers you might want to peek at it.


    Sorry for the link, I just want to make it easier for you. Have a great week.