I came across a chive flower picture and it brought back memories of last summer. I tweeted and the lovely Patti replied that her herb box was filled with them but she had no idea what to do with them.
We wondered….were they edible? 

If you have yet not come across Food Pickle, by Food52 then say hello to your new best friend! Food Pickle is a “real-time q&a” for foodies that wonder out loud and want an almost instant answer from the community. I asked: Are Chive Flowers Edible? and these were some of the responses:

boulangere says: Yes! They make a lovely garnish for just about anything.
RIPNGUITAR says: I have eaten at least 20 raw chive flower buds this weekend and I feel great. Yes
SKK says: Chives are in the garlic, leek, onion, shallot family and are best used fresh. The chives and the flowers are good in soups or cheese and cream based sauces. They are great on potatoes, egg dishes and vegetables. Chives are a delicate way to get onion flavor into a dish. Enjoy!
sdebrango says: They are so beautiful, I add them to salad when I have them.
prettyPeas says: One of my favorite things to do with the purple flowers from my chives is to cut the soft ends from the flower and mix them into goat cheese for a spread that looks and tastes great.

Dabblings says: Absolutely!! Salad and homemade chive blossom vinegar a lot of herbal flowers are edible. Here’s a link to give you some more. http://herbgardens.about.com/od/herbalgardendesign/a/EdibleFlowerGar.htm
chive flowers with title
Gorgeous Chive Flowers captured by Patti Wunder, of Easton Place Designs
What’s your experience with Chive Flowers? Have you ever used them?

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  1. I have never eaten chive flowers before. They are so pretty. I bet they would be lovely in a salad. Great post.

  2. Wow…these are gorgeous. I had no idea these were edible…I’m growing chives this year and now I can’t wait for them to flower! More fantastic info that I learned from you!

  3. Hi! I love your blog…you have some great ideas here. I host a weekly blog link-up on Tuesdays and would love for you to join in. Though my blog is gluten-free/sugar-free, your recipes don’t have to be. They just need to be healthier in some way.

    I do hope you’ll stop by and check it out.


  4. wow i didn’t know!! i seriously learn something new every time i read your blog. thanks for the post querida!

  5. I have a bunch of chives growing in my garden and everytime they bloom my dad says to cut them off so they will keep growing and get fuller but never once has he told me to keep them to eat. He loves dandelions so I am going to pass this along and see if he will try them. If he won’t I bet I can get the hubby to and tell me. (I am not sure I am brave enough to do so)

  6. Funny you ask this — I just used some the past weekend for my english green pea spread. They are wonderful and look gorgeous as garnish! 🙂