If you travel constantly, you’re going to love today’s post all about how to create DIY Hotel Room Beauty Hacks. They’re essential to feeling good while traveling – I’ll teach you how to make an herbal steam, a lip scrub, and a coffee full-body scrub! 

DIY Hotel Room Beauty Hacks

During the off season (meaning November to April), we travel a lot. Because it’s our one reward for working 16 hour days all spring and summer long, travel is what excites us. We’re not spending money on nice cars or big homes – what feeds us is traveling to new places.

But living on Martha’s Vineyard, that travel is sometimes not as easy as one hopes. Granted, it’s an incredible place to live, but for any trips, we have to take a taxi (15 minutes), a ferry (45 minutes), a bus (2 hours), and arrive at the airport to catch our flight. That’s why we normally plan ahead and book a night at our favorite Boston hotel, the Sheraton Boston. (This is not a sponsored post, even though they have given us complimentary stays, we have paid plenty of stays as well at this place – it’s seriously a favorite for so many reasons!)

Whether we are starting a journey or ending one, I try to pamper myself and focus on a little self-care. What started as me bringing my beauty products on the road – to forgetting them half the time, was that I got creative with what we had in our hotel rooms. The coffee station typically has coffee grounds, tea bags, honey, and sugar – all the ingredients I needed for my beauty routine!

Invigorating Coffee Exfoliant Body Scrub

Starting with the coffee scrub, all you need is coffee grounds, honey, and a splash of water to make this full body scrub. When traveling, specially on long flights, our skin gets so dehydrated. A body scrub will quite literally scrub away all the dead skin cells and leave you with smooth, hydrated skin. Hydrated because of the honey, which will nourish your skin if you let the scrub sit a while.

How to: mix a hotel pouch of coffee with 1-2 tablespoons honey and add a splash of water until it comes together. Do this in the shower, as it can get messy. Take a warm shower and scrub this all over your legs, arms, chest…it will not only soothe your skin, but the aroma of coffee will perk you right up. Perfect for those mornings when you don’t want to leave that comfy hotel bed.

DIY Hotel Room Beauty Hacks

Herbal Steam Facial

To indulge even more in the self-care movement, an herbal steam facial really gets me excited. It not only cleanses you skin as the steam breaks down dirt and bacteria on it, but as you inhale the aromas, you’re relaxing, which is perfect before or after a long trip.

How to: grab the ice bucket from your hotel room and a large body towel. Break open a couple tea bags, preferably something like lavender, citrus, or mint for added aroma, and place in ice bucket. Either heat up water in the coffee maker or grab really hot water from the faucet. Pour over tea leaves, sit down and place towel over your head and bucket. Inhale, deep breathes, and enjoy until steam dissipates.

DIY Hotel Room Beauty Hacks

Sugar & Honey Exfoliating Lip Scrub

I don’t know about you, but when I travel my lips become so chapped and dry it’s embarrassing. No amount of lip balm can help, until I finally make it to the room and do a lip scrub. The simplest ingredients: a sugar packet and some honey, and you’ve got a lip scrub you can even lick off your lips!

How to: blend sugar and honey together until a paste forms and rub on lips. Press lips together to scrub even more. Rinse and enjoy smooth, kissable lips!

DIY Hotel Room Beauty Hacks

Hope these DIY Hotel Room Beauty Travel Hacks will help you feel more at ease and relaxed when you travel. Until next time, I leave you with a quote I adore from a local Martha’s Vineyard company:

“Quit your job, buy a ticket, get a tan, fall in love and never return!”

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