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See that honey booth? It’s made of nearly 100% recycled lumber and other recycled materials. It’s covered with bottled and jarred honey collected on Martha’s Vineyard. And it’s a collaboration between those two amazing people in the photograph, James and Monica. Their bees are hard at work collecting and making honey, and they are currently bottling this Lavender Honey, with an extra infusion of natural lavender. If on the Vineyard, stop by the West Tisbury Farmer’s Market on Wednesdays or Saturdays during the season; they also have a table set up with the honor system, where you can grab some honey and drop some cash in an empty honey jar.

This is one of the many reasons I am grateful to live on Martha’s Vineyard. Amazing people, fantastic local products, and an undying sense of community and food lovers everywhere. Please support your local businesses!

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Support our local bee keepers and honey lovers! Like Martha’s Vineyard Honey Company on Facebook and check out their Etsy shop as well! Want to email them for a special request? Send an email to

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  1. Hi Elizabeth! If you click on the ETSY link Marnely provided- you’ll see we SHIP! Rebecca, it is so great to hear about other little grass roots companies like us!
    Marnely, thank you so much for the shoot out, much appreciated!

    …and I see some of my LAVENDER HONEY perfume peeking out in the picture! Perfume Pharmer **hearts** MV Honey Company!

  2. Oh how I wish I could get my hands on this artisan honey! This would be perfect on hot tea or freshly baked homemade bread! How can I get some from here in the east coast?

  3. Rebecca Walker says:

    Nice! I’ll have to check them out. Savannah Bee Company is also a nice company–they raise their own bees and do a lot of “reuse, recycle.” And I do love a good raw honey!