Sticky mango pudding cake is fresh mango slices soaked in buttermilk and caramel, baked under a carpet of cake batter. There’s a special ingredient that makes this a delicious treat for friends and family. Serve with fresh mango slices and whipped cream, or indulge and top it with ice cream!
I was hired to develop a few summer recipes for Idaho Spuds, and this Sticky Mango Pudding Cake is one of them.
The not so mystery ingredient in this cake recipe? Mashed potatoes in the batter!
For more delicious recipes that you can make with Idaho Spuds, visit the Idaho Spuds Recipe Page.
I am excited To commenting this on useful post.This cake’s texture looks perfect. Light and delicious. Thanks
I’ve heard potatoes can be quite fabulous in unexpected places…sure looks like you found one!
wow, potatoes! looks yummy
absolutely gorgeous photo!
NICE!!! 🙂 Congrats and the cake looks so fluffy.