Bacon and Chocolate. We’ve got to come to terms that this combination is no longer a trend, but a way of life. And it’s exactly what Baconery does. The brainchild of Wesley Klein, Baconery has found a way to combine both chocolate and bacon in a way that will tingle your taste buds. Sweet and Salty; it’s the perfect combination. Here’s a visual tour of what is in their sampler pack, 
as well as my tasting notes:

Bacon Brownies: Just want I’m looking for in a brownie! Cracked crust and a fudgy center. I enjoyed the fact that these were thicker then your usual brownie, meaning I could have more. As for brownies, we all know everyone has their favorite part. This is the perfect brownie for someone that loves corners, since you’ve got four crunchy corners to nosh on. I typically go for the side brownie, the one with one one crunchy edge and all around fudginess. That being said, this is a good brownie laced with bacon pieces throughout and not overwhelming at all.

Bacon Brownies

Bacon Marshmallow Bars: This is your classic Rice Krispie Treat, with the added cooked bacon and a drizzle of chocolate on top. Buttery treat with a definite crunch.

Bacon Marshmallow Bars

Cookies: Crispy on the edges and chewy in the center, this cookies serve 2 bacon lovers each! Huge in size and in flavor, I loved dunking them in my afternoon coffee.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Bacon Cookies and Chocolate Bacon Cookies

Bacon Chocolate: Straightforward and to the point, thick cut bacon dipped in chocolate. I’m not a fan of consuming these straight (bacon overdose anyone?), but chop them up and sprinkle on pancakes or muffins. Slight bacon flavor and melted chocolate will make your morning even brighter!

Chocolate Bacon

Bacon Pretzel Rods: Perfect snack while watching the game, this could be eaten plain or do you dare dip them in some extra something called Nutella? I know, crazy… crazy delicious! Crunchy and salty, with that touch of bacony goodness.

Bacon Chocolate Pretzel Rods
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Disclaimer: I received a sampler box from Baconery to review. No monetary compensation was exchanged and as always, my opinions are 100% my own. 

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  1. i think my friends would love this…. though i am not a fan of bacon, i’m sure that the salty sweet combo is delightful!

  2. Mmmm…bacon. Just the word makes my stomach growl.

  3. OK, you posted this because you knew Bacon would bring me out of my funk and amke me start commenting again, right? lol I’m starting to think bacon & Chocolate is a better combo than Reese’s!! Those brownies look like the bomb!

  4. Love bacon, and I love chocolate, bu I’ve yet to try the combo together. I think I would be most tempted to try the brownies. My favorite sweet salty bacon dish is from my childhood. My mom would make Cream of Wheat, then top it with a little milk, sugar, and chopped bacon. I loved that dish, and still make it today although I use polenta in place of the Cream of Wheat to make it gluten-free. Yum!

  5. I didn’t think it was possible to love bacon more deeply than I already do, but you just helped me discover a way… those bacon chocolate pretzel rods look AMAZING!

  6. I simply love the idea of bacon in our baked goods, sounds pretty fantastic to me! I have never heard of the Baconery, but will definitely follow them:-) Thank you for sharing, Hugs, Terra

  7. Despite my lack of meat consumption, I certainly understand the wonderful joy of bacon. Had a lovely scone once that had maple syrup and bacon. Brilliance!