Somehow we all made it through the holidays; through the endless baking of dozens and dozens of cookies, through the gift shopping and gift making and we even made it through a few holiday parties we wish hadn’t been to. You’ve made it through cooking Christmas dinner and probably attending a swanky New Year’s Eve Party. And honestly, stop it with the champagne! You’ve got enough bubbles in you to have you float to the moon and back.
What’s my cure for the overdose of bubbles in your system? A Bloody Mary Martini unlike you’ve ever had, that not only will cure your food comas and cookie baking hangovers, but will convert you from drinking an overdose of bubbles! And what’s the best part of a Bloody Mary? The fact that it’s okay to be seen drinking it before noon!
Because this Bloody Mary Martin contains Lindsay Olives, be happy to know that olives are also rich sources of antioxidants, which help premature aging, heart disease, stroke and many forms of cancer. So not only are we going to be making a great drink to start 2012, but we even are improving our health as we sip on it and contemplate the year that has passed.
I’ve been invited to a progressivedinner party by Kitchen Play and Lindsay Olives and guess what? The party begins here, with a lightened up version of a Bloody Mary combined with the look of a smoother Martini. Instead of using canned tomato juice, we’ve made our own fresh tomato-olive juice, lighter in color and texture, making it an easier drink to sip on. Push it to the next level by substituting the traditional ingredients with some Asian counterparts. Use fresh wasabi instead of horseradish; Sriracha instead of the typical Tabasco sauce; and light soy sauce instead of Worcestershire sauce. Not only are the olives a garnish, but they are blended into the tomato juice. This isn’t a drink for the purists in your group, this is a drink for the adventurers in it! Cheers!
Bloody Mary Martini
2-3 ounces fresh Tomato-Olive juice (see recipe below)
Season to taste with: celery salt, black pepper, soy sauce, lime
1 ½ ounces vodka (Tito’s Vodka is my latest favorite)
0.5 ounce dry vermouth
1 dash Sriracha (Asian Hot Sauce)
1 pinch freshly grated Wasabi
Garnish with celery stalk and olives
To make Tomato-Olive juice:
a. Bring a medium pot to boil, while having a bowl of ice water next to it. Immerse 4-6 vine ripe tomatoes in hot water for one minute, and shock in ice water. This will make peeling the tomatoes much easier. Peel, slice in half and de-seed. Add to blender.
b. Season tomatoes with celery salt, black pepper, soy sauce, lime and a touch of brown sugar to balance out the flavors. Add ¼ cup California Ripe Green Olives and blend. Add water until mixture is smooth and pourable. Strain through strainer and then strain again through cheesecloth to achieve almost clear, pink color.
c. Reserve in an airtight container or glass bottle until use. This would also make the perfect holiday gift, just add a bottle of vodka and your recipient will be happy to taste your freshly made tomato-olive juice in a variety of drinks!
To make 2012 Bloody Mary:
Shake (or stir) chilled Tomato-Olive juice, vodka, dry vermouth, Sriracha and Wasabi. Pour in Martini glass and garnish with olives strung on a sliver of celery.
Shake (or stir) chilled Tomato-Olive juice, vodka, dry vermouth, Sriracha and Wasabi. Pour in Martini glass and garnish with olives strung on a sliver of celery.
Start 2012 with a drink that will entice not only your taste buds, but will get your creative juices following on new ways to use olives, as well as tempting you to recreate classic drinks with a new twist!
This post was sponsored by Kitchen PLAY and Lindsay Olives. I was compensated for my time and groceries, but as always, all opinions are my own.
Lindsay Olives is also sponsoring a delicious giveaway at Kitchen PLAY. Simply recreate this or any recipe from this month’s Progressive Party, post about the experience on your blog and provide a link to your post on Kitchen PLAY to enter. All qualifying bloggers in each course will be entered to win $50 and an assortment of Lindsay Olives products shipped directly to each winner (valued at an additional $15). To qualify, participants must reside in the US. The deadline is January 31, 2012. Please review the complete contest rules before entering. Good luck!
I don’t feel grown up enough )though sadly I am already) to have such an elegant cocktail. Just beautiful Nelly!! Love the photograph!!
oh man! i love bloody marys and i love your twist! titos is delish 🙂