Cooking with Books. It’s my blog’s name, and it encapsulates two of my favorite words/actions. I love reading books, and granted, I should broaden my horizons and read something more than a cookbook, but I just can’t help it. Reading a cookbook transports me and let’s me imagine the flavors the author is trying to convey in his recipe. Cookbooks inspire me, and with their help, I can create dinner parties, new recipes and learn a thing or two about technique!
You might be wondering why there’s a list of 17 cookbooks below. Well, this will be the second year that Chronicle Books sponsors “Happy Haul-idays”, a contest that fills up everyone’s bookshelves: yours, mine and a charity of my choice!
By creating a list of how I would spend $500 on Chronicle titles and entering the contest, I’m entered to win! How can you win? Well if you’re a blogger, you can create your own post and list your top books, but even easier is by commenting on this post. Leave a comment and if I win, you win the exact list. So we’re ALL winning! Even better? My charity wins $500 worth of Chronicle books, amazing right!? Increase your chances of winning by daily tweeting with the hashtag #happyhaulidays.If I win, I’ve chosen to donate $500 worth of Chronicle books to the Edgartown Public Library on Martha’s Vineyard.
- Poulet: 160 Remarkable Recipes that Exalt the Honest Chicken by Cree LeFavaou
- The Cheesemonger’s Kitchen: Celebrating Cheese in 90 Recipes by Chester Hastings
- Top Pot Hand-Forged Doughnuts: Secrets and Recipes for the Home Baker by Mark and Michael Klebeck with Jess Thomson
- The Nantucket Holiday Table by Susan Simon
- The Bread Bible: 300 Favorite Recipes by Beth Hensperger
- Flour: Spectacular Recipes from Boston’s Flour Bakery + Cafe by Joanne Chang with Christine Matheson
- Miette: Recipes from San Francisco’s Most Charming Pastry Shop by Meg Ray, with Leslie Jonath
- Girl in the Kitchen: How a Top Chef Cooks, Thinks, Shops, Eats, and Drinks by Stephanie Izard with Heather Shouse
- Kokkari: Contemporary Greek Flavors by Erik Cosselmon and Janet Fletcher
- Ruhlman’s Twenty: The Ideas and Techniques That Will Make You a Better Cook by Michael Ruhlman
- Rustica: A Return to Spanish Home Cooking by Frank Camorra and Richard Cornish
- The Glorious Pasta of Italy by Domenica Marchetti
- Saveur The New Comfort Food: Home Cooking From Around the World by the Editors of Saveur Magazine
- Fast, Fresh & Green: More Than 90 Delicious Recipes for Veggie Lovers by Susie Middleton
- The Country Cooking of Ireland by Colman Andrews
- The Country Cooking of Italy by Colman Andrews
- The Salpicon Cookbook: Contemporary Mexican Cuisine by Priscila Satkoff with Vincent Satkoff
Head on over to Chronicle Books and “Happy Haul-idays” and enter your own list, as well as leaving a comment below, because if I win, YOU win!!
Yum, great picks!
You really chose your cookbooks well! If I don’t win my own haul, count me in on a shot at yours.
Great list! Good luck 🙂
You can check mine out too:
Lovely list – hope you win! acookandherbooks at
You can never have enough cookbooks. I would love to have The Nantucket Holiday Table and Flour: Spectacular Recipes from Boston’s Flour Bakery + Cafe.
Good luck!