Cooking with Books. It’s my blog’s name, and it encapsulates two of my favorite words/actions. I love reading books, and granted, I should broaden my horizons and read something more than a cookbook, but I just can’t help it. Reading a cookbook transports me and let’s me imagine the flavors the author is trying to convey in his recipe. Cookbooks inspire me, and with their help, I can create dinner parties, new recipes and learn a thing or two about technique!

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You might be wondering why there’s a list of 17 cookbooks below. Well, this will be the second year that Chronicle Books sponsors “Happy Haul-idays”, a contest that fills up everyone’s bookshelves: yours, mine and a charity of my choice!
By creating a list of how I would spend $500 on Chronicle titles and entering the contest, I’m entered to win! How can you win? Well if you’re a blogger, you can create your own post and list your top books, but even easier is by commenting on this post. Leave a comment and if I win, you win the exact list. So we’re ALL winning! Even better? My charity wins $500 worth of Chronicle books, amazing right!? Increase your chances of winning by daily tweeting with the hashtag #happyhaulidays.If I win, I’ve chosen to donate $500 worth of Chronicle books to the Edgartown Public Library on Martha’s Vineyard.
  1. Poulet: 160 Remarkable Recipes that Exalt the Honest Chicken by Cree LeFavaou
  2. The Cheesemonger’s Kitchen: Celebrating Cheese in 90 Recipes by Chester Hastings
  3. Top Pot Hand-Forged Doughnuts: Secrets and Recipes for the Home Baker by Mark and Michael Klebeck with Jess Thomson
  4. The Nantucket Holiday Table by Susan Simon
  5. The Bread Bible: 300 Favorite Recipes by Beth Hensperger
  6. Flour: Spectacular Recipes from Boston’s Flour Bakery + Cafe by Joanne Chang with Christine Matheson
  7. Miette: Recipes from San Francisco’s Most Charming Pastry Shop by Meg Ray, with Leslie Jonath
  8. Girl in the Kitchen: How a Top Chef Cooks, Thinks, Shops, Eats, and Drinks by Stephanie Izard with Heather Shouse
  9. Kokkari: Contemporary Greek Flavors by Erik Cosselmon and Janet Fletcher
  10. Ruhlman’s Twenty: The Ideas and Techniques That Will Make You a Better Cook by Michael Ruhlman
  11. Rustica: A Return to Spanish Home Cooking by Frank Camorra and Richard Cornish
  12. The Glorious Pasta of Italy by Domenica Marchetti
  13. Saveur The New Comfort Food: Home Cooking From Around the World by the Editors of Saveur Magazine
  14. Fast, Fresh & Green: More Than 90 Delicious Recipes for Veggie Lovers by Susie Middleton
  15. The Country Cooking of Ireland by Colman Andrews
  16. The Country Cooking of Italy by Colman Andrews
  17. The Salpicon Cookbook: Contemporary Mexican Cuisine by Priscila Satkoff with Vincent Satkoff

Head on over to Chronicle Books and “Happy Haul-idays” and enter your own list, as well as leaving a comment below, because if I win, YOU win!!

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  1. You really chose your cookbooks well! If I don’t win my own haul, count me in on a shot at yours.

  2. Great list! Good luck 🙂

    You can check mine out too:

  3. You can never have enough cookbooks. I would love to have The Nantucket Holiday Table and Flour: Spectacular Recipes from Boston’s Flour Bakery + Cafe.

    Good luck!