Baking a healthier treat does not mean sacrificing on flavor. So when asked to bake with California Olive Ranch Oil and Almond Flour from Bob’s Red Mill, I created this recipe with a focus on what was fresh in New England: Cranberries and Chocolate Chips (because chocolate chips are always fresh and in season right?!)  This quick bread is simple to put together with a few ingredients and is perfect as a treat with your coffee or served at a holiday brunch. Click on the link to check out the recipe: 


From the California Olive Ranch Facebook Page:

Seasons Best is coming with “Baking a Better Holiday” launching this Thursday! All month we’ll be sharing all things baking with extra virgin olive oil.  We’ve teamed with our friends at Bob’s Red Mill to launch a Facebook Contest here starting this Thursday, Dec 1. It runs thru Dec 8.  Share a favorite pairing of our olive oil with a BRM product  –  3 winners with the most ‘likes’ will win fabulous prizes.

You can win a $50 BRM gift card and olive oil to boot!  Winners will be announced Friday, Dec 9.

We’re looking for pairings that showcase our two products – perhaps muffins using our oil and one of Bob’s flours. We don’t need a detailed recipe – just an idea and two ingredients, like Gingerbread using California Olive Ranch’s Arbequina and Bob’s Red Mill whole wheat flour.

Good luck – and stay tuned!

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  1. i love healthier recipes :). chocolate chip and cranberries with almond flour sound fabulous! is this a GF baked good?

  2. How wonderful! I developed a recipe for CA Olive Ranch too – I’ll be writing about it tomorrow, a beautiful gingerbread with their Arbequina oil. Don’t you love their products!