The first countdown is done and by the time you read this, I’ll be either on my way to Miami or already there. I’ll be in Miami until the 26th, so if you’re in Miami and want to meetup, just message me! And worry not, I’ve got everything covered and I have some amazing guest posters to take care of your blog reading needs, as well as more delicious recipes from Emeril’s “Sizzling Skillets and Other One Other One-Pot Wonder” that will be extra special because I will be cooking them with my Grandmother!

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In the meantime, below is a list of some amazing Facebook pages (for blogs, personal sites and businesses) that are lead by some of the greatest friends I have! Click on the links, show them some blog love-facebook like-wall posts! We’re all here to engage, share content, ask for advice, discuss ideas and basically develop friendships based on our main passion: Food. Whether you’re a home cook, a line cook, a pastry chef, a bread baker, a mom, an artist, or a foodie, we’re all in this together! (This is by no means a complete list…it’s a work in progress! Sorry if I missed you, just give me a shout out and I will add you!) Probably forgot tons…but….my memory and search abilities and time? Small, short.

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  1. Hope you have a great time in Miami! (even though you left off your reccommended list:( ) Don’t partay too much!!

  2. Changing the way in which you go about remodelling your kitchen countertops is one of the best ways in which you can save money without sacrificing the finished look of the room.

  3. How’s the trip? Miami is really a great place. The beaches, the girls, not much of a basketball team but one of my favorites and really cool people. Have an amazing time there!