Welcome to my version of #goaterie (keep reading to find out more about it)! I knew I wanted to do goat meat, since it was going to be more of a challenge than goat cheese and I’m not even remotely interested in tasting goat milk anytime soon. The fact that I’m a baker and meat is not my forte, I decided to stay on the safe side of this challenge and pair goat with ingredients that would surely be a hit in my family, as well as a familiar preparation: curry. Although not a common Dominican spice, I’ve fallen in love with any type of curry: red, yellow, green. Pork, Chicken, Beef and now…Goat!


Dominican Republic is a producer of goat (although I am not sure if for exportation), and we consume massive amounts of Goat. Normally cooked in red wine and oregano, it is served with rice and the sauce it renders could make a grown man swoon. This is a great article in Gourmet Magazine originally published November 2006 by Ann Vanderhoof called “Getting My Goat” on getting the best goat in Dominican Republic, check it out.


In the meantime, here is my entry to Goaterie, a challenge created by Barbara from Creative Culinary and Rachel from La Fuji Mama, daring us tweeps (and non-tweeps!) to bake, cook and eat goat during the month of July! Check out my recipe and all the others that took the #goaterie challenge! Have a goat-tastic day! 


Curried Goat Triangles with Cucumber Yogurt Sauce

1 pound goat meat
1 cup coconut milk
3 tablespoons curry powder
1 tablespoon paprika
1 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon coconut oil

1/2 package phyllo dough, thawed
1/3 cup olive oil

1/2 cup yogurt
1 small cucumber
1 tablespoon lime juice
1 teaspoon lime zest
salt and pepper


  1. The day before making the triangles, you will need to prep the goat meat and marinade. Debone and chop into small dice the goat meat and place in a resealable container. In a small bowl, whisk together coconut milk, curry powder, paprika and salt. Pour over chopped goat meat and let sit overnight in the fridge.
  2. Next day, heat coconut oil in a medium skillet over high heat. Drain goat meat from marinade (reserve marinade) and sear the small chunks. When caramelized, lower heat to medium and pour in the reserved marinade. Simmer and reduce until all the liquid evaporates. Reserve for filling of triangles and pre-heat oven to 375F.
  3. Roll out phyllo dough and cut into squares. While working, cover the rest of the sheets with a dampened kitchen towel. Brush square edges with olive oil and fill with cooled curried goat meat. Fold over and close triangle, pressing edges.  Freeze leftover phyllo dough.
  4. Arrange triangles on a cookie sheet with parchment paper and lightly brush tops with olive oil. Bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown. 
  5. Prepare sauce by peeling and seeding the cucumber; dice into small chunks and stir in yogurt. Season with lime juice and zest, salt and pepper.
  6. Transfer triangles to serving platter with small bowl of Cucumber Yogurt Sauce to dip in. Enjoy!

You still have a few days before the #goaterie challenge ends, so go get some goat cheese, goat milk or goat meat and whip up something delicious before August 1st! Click on the badge below to join in the fun!


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  1. Awesome! Super jealous of the goat meat. Tried so hard to find some here! I’ll send you some goat poppers if you send me some goat triangles!! 🙂 Like the dipping sauce, too.

  2. Your photos are so appealing — an incentive to try this!

  3. OK, I have yet to try goat meat, but this might be the recipe to get me to try it. These look delicious Nelly, and I love anything with curry. Now, if only I could find some gluten-free phyllo dough…

  4. Triangle is in my future. I just know it. Last night, I was dreaming of samosas. Today, I am daydreaming of this!

    Thanks, Marnely!

  5. First off the goat in the Dominican Republic must be top rate cause I haven’t seen goat meat pictures this attractive and the bones just a delight. Second we think alike when I was making vindaloo this week I thought it would lend itself to goat well but of course I paired it with something else instead, cause I wasn’t planning on making goat at the time. The goat ‘samosas’ as I call them look fantastic!! 🙂

  6. Look at the awesome pastry baker rocking out a gorgeous savory dish!!! This looks soooo good! I love finger foods, so this makes me happy:-)
    Hugs, Terra

  7. Dearest, though I am not a fan of meat, I love the curried phyllo triangles! I’ve been meaning to try using phyllo dough more and I love schmamcy finger food with yummy dip! Yogurt cuke dip sounds delightful :). I bet I can curry some veggies like lentils n stuff them in phyllo dough 🙂

  8. What a lovely and appetizing post. I wish I could have one of these triangles right now! Thank you for sharing with me tonight. I’m so glad I stumbled upon your blog! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.