You all know my love for round, plump, even numbers. I hate numbers like 73 or 87, so when I saw I had published 99 posts here, I breathed a sigh of relief. Thankfully I didn’t miss it or this post would’ve never made it to surface.
I won’t get all mushy, but I will say that this blog is what it is (pretty awesome I’m sure) because of YOU. Yes, YOU still wearing pajamas! YOU sipping on your morning coffee! YOU having lunch at your desk (tsk, tsk)! YOU taking a minute to read up, catch up, wind down! YOU about to go to bed! YOU have all made this just so worth it, so much better. I don’t know all of you (though I wish I did!), but I appreciate you all: the silent readers, the constant commentators, the ones that point out god-awful spelling errors, the ones that forward my emails; the lovers, the haters, the strangers, the friends. Thank You and Gracias. I hope that we keep on developing relationships, engaging in conversations and learning more and more about the (food) world around us on a daily basis.
It took about five minutes to realize what I wanted to write about: Bananas. Yes, I have an obsessive and addictive personality towards food. I’m like a teenage girl, falling in love over and over again. I don’t care if Mangoes will break my heart when their season is over, because I know Avocados have got my back right away. But Bananas? Bananas are always there for me: summer, summer, spring and summer (the seasons in DR), they are all around!
You might find this odd but when I lived in the US and would come home to visit my parents, when I got into the car my Mom would pass me a banana. Don’t ask me why, but she just did, over and over again. Bananas are my welcoming committee, my energy boosters, my happy drug.
I should’ve brought a cake to this party, a banana cake right? I didn’t, sorry. I did make this one-ingredient banana ice cream thanks to The Kitchn. As your gift from you to me, would you please go make this? Today? Pretty Please? (I’ll be posting my experience on this AMAZING frozen treat soon. I could’ve added it to this post but that would’ve been too long. So stay tuned!). Where were we? Oh right, I didn’t bring a party cake, but I brought banana party links. Below you’ll find inspiration from food bloggers around the world showcasing Bananas. Because there is no better way than for this 100th post to end than with a list of what makes it what it is: the friends, the relationships and of course…the bananas!
One last thing before we end this Banana crazy post: today is the launch of Gojee, a gorgeous recipe site with talented collaborators such as Amanda Hesser and Merril Stubbs from Food52, Brian from A Thought for Food, Aggie from Aggie’s Kitchen, and many more, including yours truly! Stop by, sign up and explore the delicious collaborations! Don’t forget to also enter my wine giveaway!
What a wonderful collection! Thank you for including me . Happy 100th post! Can’t wait to see more.
We love you, girl! Congrats on #100! That’s awesome.
Love this post gone bananas 🙂
I love this post. Happy 100th!!! You have the best energy/personality. I can’t wait to check out some of these banana recipes! 🙂
Happy 100th! Sorry I am just now getting around, but congrats that is a huge accomplishment. I can’t wait to see what you will share with us in the next 100.