Beets, inspired by the lovely Jennifer of A Girl and Her Carrot, were cooked in my kitchen today. Well, half of them cooked, the other half pickled. Beets provide antioxidant, anti-inflammatory an detoxification support.They are also a great source of folate, magnesium and potassium, so go grab some today!

So now you’re home with a bag of beets, wondering what to do with them? Here are two simple, yet delicious ways to prepare them. The first one is pickling and the second one is glazed. There isn’t a recipe for either of them, it’s more of a personal taste. When pickling, there are various online recipes you could check out!

Pickled Beets

Peel, slice, julienne
In a Mason jar: Vinegar &  peppercorns
Salt, Hot sauce and Beets (look at my pink hands!)

Boiled hot, pour in and seal. Depending on the intensity you’d like, depends the amount of days pickling!
The second recipe is an adaptation to regular glazed beets. First of all, let me just tell you: cut your beets into SMALL chunks. I made the mistake of just quartering them and they took almost two hours to cook all the way through! So, cut them into small chunks! 
Five Spice Beets
yummy red gems!
2 small beets, peeled
1 tablespoon butter
1/2 tsp Five Spice Powder
1 tablespoon black sesame seeds
  • Cut beets into small chunks and place them in boiling, salted water
  • Cook until tender and reserve the liquid.
  • Heat a saute pan and melt butter.
  • Saute the sesame seeds and the Five Spice Powder. If you don’t have black sesame seeds, you could use white ones!
  • Add reserved liquid, 1/4 cup at a time (depending on how much you have) and reduce to a glaze. Season with salt and pepper.
  • Quickly saute your beet pieces in this delicious glaze and serve! Could be enjoyed warm or as a cold salad.

     For more Beet Love Recipes, check out the following links:
    A Girl and Her Carrot asks “What’s YELLOW and EARTHY?”
    Bunnycooks makes “Grilled Chicken Salad with Fire Roasted Chile Honey Dressing” (and beautiful beets!)
    The Novice Chef: Beets and Quinoa! Nutrious Duo:  “Roasted Beet Quinoa”

    What’s YOUR favorite way to eat beets?

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    1. Roasted beets are one of our favorite veggies! They have such wonderful flavor prepared that way.

    2. Beets is very popular in brasil… and I am not going to lie there is something about it i just cant like. HA but i guess i have to experiment a bit more!

    3. i LOVE beets!!! i juice them every day. when i was in spain last summer, they had freshly shredded beet salad everywhere! 🙂

    4. I LOVE sweet beets sliced on a salad with hard boiled egg, broccoli, scallions and jack cheese. It totally makes the salad. Basically don’t need salad dressing when you add beets! mmmm

    5. Ahhh, so I inspired some beet action! Love it! Great recipes! I have a tendency to add maple syrup to my roasted beets, adds a hint of sweetness that merges well with the earthy veg. Thank you for the shout out Nella! Happy Eating!