After not knowing what to write about, I remembered by failed attempt at a Custard and Caramel Tart. Let’s make this short and sweet because it’s Tuesday and the week is only going to get busier.
Desired Result: Flaky Tart with a bottom layer of Cardamom Caramel, topped with Vanilla Bean Custard (thickened with starch, as to no have to bake it)
Realistic Result: Flaky Tart with a bottom layer of Caramel that liquefied after siting under the moisture-rich Custard.
Findings and Lesson Learned: Custard is a liquid. Caramel will set if not in contact with liquids.
Next time: Tarts will be filled with Custard, cooled in fridge and Caramel will be drizzled “to order”.
Extra Lesson Learned: Don’t bake when you’re sad/mad/angry. Products don’t come out the same. This recipe made my head hurt from start to finish: dough was too sticky, custard took too long to set, caramel liquefies.
Here I leave you with pictures….of tart making. No end product pictures, of course.
What Mistakes Have You Made In The Kitchen?
How Did You Survive Them?
so sorry about the tart oh so many baking mis haps end in bin, rock hard scones mostly he he
I love Lemon Pie or any tart with fruits.
I have made the same mistakes you have when it comes to making tarts. I have made several others when it comes to bread making, sometimes the dough is too soft and I have to use more flours but then it gets too dry.