Nature’s butter and best gift to us, Avocados are a staple at the Dominican table. During lunch, it is typically sliced into wedges and sprinkled with salt and pepper; a dash of vinegar makes it amazing! A simple salad of lettuce, tomato and Avocados makes any meal even more delicious. At home we usually eat it with Rice and Beans on the side or a typical “Sancocho” (Dominican Stew). Another delicious way is to smash it into slices of hearty bread and drizzle it with seasonings. A poor man’s dish some may say, but oh so satisfying in your tummy.
Top Chef All-Stars, Chef Antonia Lofaso focused on this fruit on a Quick Fire Challenge and served it deep-fried, breaded in Panko. This might be my favorite preparation: crispy avocado and as you bite into it, you’re in a creamy dream. Season the avocado before breading for extra flavor. Serve on burgers, in wraps or as Avocado Fries with a dipping sauce!
Why eat Avocados? These are just a few, but Avocados are filled with great vitamins and minerals! Eat one today!
- Vitamin K, which plays an important role in blood clotting and may help to maintain strong bones in elderly.
- With B6, you body will be in top shape to produce antibodies, which fight off all the bad guys out there! And since a water-soluble vitamin, your body doesn’t store them, so you need a constant supply!
- Who doesn’t love antioxidants?! Vitamin E fights off free radicals.
Great Avocado Recipes
Aubrey, over at “I Talk to Food” has a delicious Avocado, Kale and Chickpea Salad that was even featured in Tastespotting!
Head over to Cafe’Terra for a great tasting and healthy smoothie that includes Avocado!
Check out Aunt Clara’s Recipe for “Pan con Aguacate” simple, yet so fabulous!
These are a few dishes I’ve had with Avocados! What’s your favorite recipe w/ Avocados?
Grilled Avocado topped with Lobster Salad. Only in New England! |
Eggs & Hash with a side of Avocado: Breakfast of Champions! |
Thanks for the link! I don’t know if I could fry them up like that, but I could eat them breakfast lunch and dinner for the rest of my life and never get tired!
First off, I think avocado’s are the nectar of the gods!!! I loved enjoying them all the time when I lived in Tucson. Now here in Charlotte, whew are they expensive.
AND second, thank you so much for sharing my smoothie link:-)